

Hypnosis is a healing modality facilitated by a trained therapist that induces a trance-like state, allowing for heightened focus and concentration.  It is a safe and effective tool that can be self-administered or with a professional trained in the practice. With guidance into a deep relaxed state, the subconscious mind can be accessed to resolve acute or chronic problems, and to create personalized positive and innovative solutions. Hypnosis has been shown to produce significant positive effects on distress, quality of life, and mental adjustment.  Hypnosis works well for many conditions, including:

  • Insomnia
  • Depression
  • Pain control
  • Anxiety
  • PTSD
  • Altered body image
  • Nausea/Vomiting
  • Bone marrow suppression after chemotherapy
  • Preparing for surgery for improved outcomes
  • Smoking cessation

In 1995, the National Institute of Health announced that hypnosis should be considered in the treatment of cancer pain. For a related news story about hypnotherapy and cancer pain, view here

Self-hypnosis can be utilized with CDs or recordings that are available online or given to you by a qualified practitioner and should be practiced daily for best outcomes. These may be helpful any time, and may be particularly before chemotherapy, radiation,or surgical treatment, or before waking or going to sleep at night. Clinical or medical hypnosis requires a visit to a psychologist or an integrative health practitioner trained in the discipline for more in-depth therapy. Hypnosis or guided visualization CDs can be purchased online for use in pre-operative reduction of stress and more topics.


Bragard, 2017

Carlson, 2018

Ginandes, 2017

Forester-Miller, 2017