Super Foods

Olive Oil

What is it?

Olive oil is the primary fat of the Anti-Inflammatory, or Mediterranean diet. It is a monounsaturated fat that is rich in a variety of nutrients, including polyphenols. These polyphenols are powerful anti-oxidants and have other protective qualities as well. Evidence about the healthful qualities of olive oil continues to grow. There are now studies that link diets rich in extra virgin olive oil to protection against heart disease and possibly breast cancer. Olive oil is a wonderful oil to be ingested along with a diet rich in vegetables and fruits. Every kitchen should be stocked with plentiful, high quality extra virgin olive oil.

Extra virgin olive oil is made from pure, cold-pressed olives and has higher concentrations of healthy phenols and other nutrients. Extra virgin olive oil is therefore preferred over more processed types of olive oil.

How to use it

When cooking, it’s important to keep the temperature of olive oil low enough that it does not smoke. Over-heating oil leads to the production of toxic compounds. Additionally, olive oil should be kept in a dark bottle, in a cool place, to better preserve its healthful qualities.