Care of the Spirit

12 Tips to Amplify Your Spirit

1. Remember what matters most in your life. Live by your values.

Living Your Values

A good life does not mean being happy all the time. It does mean choosing to focus on things that are meaningful and rewarding, and being able to respect yourself for the kind of person you are. What values are most important to you? Integrity? Compassion? Service? Curiosity? Creativity? Teamwork? As you put your finger on the values that are most meaningful for you, can you choose work that lines up with them? Can you spend your free time to line up with those values? Can you treat other people in ways that show those values?

Think about the values that are most deeply important to you in how you want to be living your life.

What is deeply important to you? Knowing your cherished values can help you when making tough choices. It can also help you find strength and resilience in hard times.

Values: Journal Activity

Write down some ideas for the questions below. Then read what you wrote each day for a week or two. Think about how you live these values or qualities day to day. This will help you remember what you care about most when you face tough decisions or challenges.

  • What do you take pride in about how you live your life?
  • What are three words or phrases that best describe the kind of person you want to be?
  • What would someone who really loves you say are your best qualities?
  • How would you put into words your personal mission; what you're here to do?
  • Think of a time or story about when you have felt most "alive."
  • Think of a time or story about when you have been at your best.
  • What is your gift, and how do you offer it?


Research in Japan and elsewhere suggest that people who have a sense of purpose in life have lower rates of illnesses and live longer than people who do not. Think about the idea of "purpose" for you. At the end of your life, what do you want to look back on that will make you feel like you have lived a good life? Caring about other people at home and at work? Passing along life lessons to loved ones? Being an example of determination and sticking with things in hard times? How would you put this into words for yourself?

2. Spend time in nature.

Time in Nature

Reconnecting with nature can decrease anxiety, reduce stress and improve well-being. Research shows that time in nature can also elevate mood, reduce blood pressure, and activate immune function. It doesn’t have to be camping in the woods. Spend some time in whatever nature you can, including a garden or a park. Reconnecting with nature can inspire awe in the beauty around you.

3. Follow your passions.Spend time doing things that really excite you and make you feel alive.

Passion & Aliveness

Spirituality has us look at serious subjects like life purpose, but it's more than that. Spirituality also has to do with "aliveness" and what helps us feel passionate and excited about life. What really excites you? When are you so wrapped up in something that you lose track of time – some people refer to this as 'being in flow'. What do you dream about doing when you have the chance? Allowing yourself to be excited and enjoy all sorts of experiences is part of living a good life.

4. Laugh. Find humor every day.

Laughter & Humor

Laughter lowers your blood pressure. It also reduces stress hormone levels and strengthens the immune system. Make humor and laughter a part of your life. Laugh with family and friends. Read humorous books, blogs, cartoons. Watch funny movies, stand-up, sitcoms or even videos online.

Practice compassion and trying to know how others feel.


Self-compassion is essential to caring for the spirit. Be as kind to yourself as you would be to someone you dearly love. Then think about what you can learn from your failings and how to live a better life as a result.

6. Keep a journal of meaningful things you are learning.

7. Take time to pray, meditate or just be still.

8. Practice kindness and generosity.

9. Be grateful for good things in your life.

10. Forgive people who have created hardship for you.

11. Be gentle with yourself. Forgive yourself.

12. Practice your faith. If you have a faith tradition that means something to you, follow it.