Many integrative therapies such as acupuncture, herbal teas, or mind-body therapies have the potential to enhance wellness and decrease side effects from chemotherapy or other oncology treatments.
Challenges include unknown interactions between supplements, botanicals, or other integrative treatments. Conventional cancer treatment is evolving rapidly. Promising developments in targeted therapies, immunotherapies, and other exciting medicines are providing new hope for cancer care. These therapies are being released by the FDA or in clinical trials at increasing rates, and most have not been studied with any particular complementary therapy. These types of studies can be costly and complex, and can sometimes take years for problematic interactions to surface.
It is therefore strongly advised to work in collaboration with a reputable integrative provider who is willing to collaborate with your primary oncology team, for the common goal of optimizing treatment and reducing side effects, especially if you are receiving chemotherapy, immunotherapy, or other cancer medications.
Please refer to the lifestyle section for information about how to stay well and maintain your endurance during chemotherapy or other cancer treatments.