Sexual Health
Changes to sexuality and resulting alterations in intimacy can be one of the most challenging aspects of the cancer journey. Those cancer patients who are younger or have a more substantial alteration in body image tend to have increased sexual dysfunction and intimacy issues. Health care providers, as well as patients, are often uncomfortable with having open discussions around this problem, so that treatment is delayed or not initiated, leading to a diminished quality of life. It can be helpful to tell your healthcare provider about issues like body image concerns, vaginal dryness, erectile difficulties, relationship satisfaction, libido, and relationship satisfaction issues. Your healthcare team may have ways to help or can refer you to others with more expertise.
Understanding the difference between an intimacy issue and sexual function is important. Work with your medical team to alleviate physical symptoms that would impede intimacy. Journaling, art therapy, counseling, and mind-body modalities like hypnosis may be helpful in body image issues that may be impeding sexual intimacy or function. An important goal is to honor yourself as a desirable being, worthy of love. Working with your partner on confidence, intimacy and unconditional acceptance is key. Know that intimacy can be expressed in many ways and experiment with these in your relationship for optimal fulfillment. Seek professional support as needed.