Care of the Spirit

Gratitude Practices

It is difficult to hold a negative thought while holding a grateful thought. A body of evidence has emerged suggesting that gratitude is related to wellbeing (e.g. mood, satisfaction with life, and health-related quality of life). Creating a state of deep gratitude can even lower inflammatory factors in the body, and can shift the body’s autonomic nervous system out of sympathetic tone (fight, flight, or freeze modes) to the healing parasympathetic state (rest and digest).

For some, gratitude also helps to be open to the chance that new blessings might arise in hard times. Exploring gratitude in the face of life challenges is beneficial. You can be grateful that you can choose how you respond. You can be grateful for people who may support you on your way. You can be grateful that other parts of your life are meaningful. You can be grateful that there may even be good things that grow out of your difficulty.

Research shows that a weekly gratitude practice can increase general happiness.

Try This: Gratitude Journal

Many people find this helps them. One way to practice being grateful is to write down three things that you are grateful for at the end of each day.

For example:

  • A caring friend
  • A devoted pet
  • An amazing sunset
  • A delicious meal
  • A simple flower or natural delight

Try This: Gratefulness Rituals

A ritual is anything you practice regularly in the same way. Many people give thanks before a meal. Others count their blessings before sleep. What might you incorporate into your day that will help you practice gratitude?

Try This: Practice Awe

Awe is being amazed. Notice things in life that are truly remarkable. That may be large things like seeing the Grand Canyon. It may be thinking about how people have walked on the moon. It can also be small things, like how flowers bloom from a seed, or watching a bird in flight. According to the brilliant Albert Einstein, "There are only two ways to live your life: as though nothing is a miracle, or as though everything is a miracle."


Tan, 2021

Tomczyk, 2021