Navigating Cancer Care

During Radiation Therapy

Radiation is often used either alone, or in combination with other cancer therapies (like surgery or chemotherapy). Radiation therapy works in part by creating free radicals, causing DNA damage in cancer cells. Many vitamins and supplements work as antioxidants, and it is unknown whether specific supplements or anti-oxidant treatments interfere with the formation of free radicals. Antioxidants in foods are safe and likely beneficial, but you may be advised to stop other herbal and vitamin supplements during the course of radiation treatment.

Radiation treatment is temporary. Discuss the use of any supplemental products during radiation therapy with a radiation oncologist and your integrative medicine provider.

Many patients benefit from using topical emollients such as aloe gel, coconut oil, or other oils or creams to help protect skin from radiation burns. Excellent skin care, as well as excellent hydration, can help soothe and protect skin from radiation damage.

Please refer to the lifestyle section for information about how to stay well and maintain your endurance during radiation or other cancer treatments.